SEO for Magento

Magento believes that most things in life should be easy.

Magento & SEO

Magento is the most popular and fast-growing, open-source e-commerce platform on the planet, and there is no doubt that Magento is a necessity in today’s e-commerce marketplace due to its innovative and extensive customized features. Whether you are working professional and entrepreneur looking to build your e-commerce site or a large multi-channel retailer looking to enhance your online presence and increase your conversions, Magento is your premier e-commerce platform for growth.

Project summary

One of the concerns of many Magento users is SEO. Although Magento is already very SEO friendly when installed, there are many things that can still be improved upon. Sites using organic SEO in the truest sense will be much like organisms, meaning they will grow, expand and adapt over time in response to viewers’ desires.

The Strategy

You might think that Google is omniscient, but even the most powerful rulers need a little help sometimes. While your website will inevitably be found at some point by the Google bots constantly crawling the web’s content, you can take a few actions to speed up this process.

Starting with a site audit and recommendations, we reviewed the site for technical issues and set up a plan to address them, especially on page SEO.

  • Submit the site to Google, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Laid a link trail
  • Chose the perfect keywords
  • Managed the meta tags
  • Optimized for mobile
  • Proved that the business is SF local


Proven Results

Client’s initial SEO restructure resulted in performance that exceeded initial projections, and these improvements have continued throughout the year.

The brand awareness messaging funnel resulted in streamlined searches, customer education, and additional sales.

Through a strategic optimization process, the client has driven stronger brand awareness and grown it’s average organic revenue per month, resulting in a robust YTD revenue increase.

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Let's Work Together!

To craft the best SEO outcome, we know that this is not enough to secure the most suitable keyword or content but we need stay agile together to outshine the competitors as well the search engines’ ever-changing algorithms.